Safeguarding/Child Protection Statement

Following agreed Diocesan procedures, this parish has adopted the recommendations of the Nolan Report to ensure the safety and protection of all children and vulnerable adults in a church environment.  All those having personal contact with children (and vulnerable adults) in this parish, including the parish clergy have received a clear Advanced Criminal Record Certificate according to the Police Act 1997.  

The Parish is fully committed to the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults within its community. It works within the guidance of the Catholic Safeguarding Advisory Service to ensure the safety and protection of all children and vulnerable adults taking part in Parish activities. All Parish volunteers working with vulnerable groups are required to undergo a Safer Recruitment Process and DBS clearance in accordance with Diocesan guidelines.

For further information on Safeguarding please click on the link.

Holy Redeemer Parish Safeguarding Representative

Juliet Tyler

Diocese of Westminster Episcopal Vicar for Safeguarding

Mgr. Seamus O’Boyle

Tel: 020 7529 8631

Diocese of Westminster Safeguarding Co-ordinator

Eva Edohne

Safeguarding Department, 2nd Floor Vaughan House, 46 Francis Street, London SW1P 1QN.

Tel: +44 (0) 207 798 9350

Tel: +44 (0) 7803 634 236